It is a condition of membership that all Members of the Club comply with the House Rules. The House Rules have been drawn up by the Management Committee to ensure the proper and safe use of the Club facilities with a view to all Members being able to use the facilities without interfering with the enjoyment of others. All Members of the Club should familiarise themselves with the following House Rules.
The Kippie Lodge Sports and Country Club, hereafter referred to as the “Club”, encompasses the Main Lodge, Sports Complex, Tennis Courts, Crèche, 9-Hole Golf Course, Grounds, Car Parks and Golf Practice Area.
It is a condition of membership that all Members of the Club comply with the House Rules, which have been drawn up by the Management Committee to ensure the proper and safe use of the Club facilities with a view to all Members being able to use the facilities without interfering with the enjoyment of others.
Copies of the Constitution are available from the Sports Complex Reception or can be downloaded from the web site All Members of the Club should familiarise themselves with the following House Rules: –
In order to maintain the exclusive use of the Club’s facilities, all Members are required to bring their Membership card with them on each visit to the Club. This card registers your visit to the Club and provides a means of security. For health and safety reasons it is mandatory that members scan their card to gain access to the sports complex and cards must be available upon request in the Lodge. Failure to present the card may result in being denied access to the Club.
In the interest of security do not give your card to any other person, including members of your family. Please report loss or theft of your card in order that it can be de-activated.
3.1 In the Crathes Bar on a Friday or Saturday evening, after 6.00pm, Gentlemen must wear a collared shirt or polo shirt. The wearing of tracksuits and training shoes is not permitted.
3.2 Subordinate to rule 3.1 above casual wear is acceptable in the Crathes Bar and Conservatory but all Members, after using sports facilities, are required to shower and change before using these areas.
3.3 Appropriate clothing and footwear, tracksuits or sportswear, should be worn while participating in all sports activities.
3.4 In order to protect the floor surfaces and to ensure good hygiene practice, only non-marking, dedicated indoor sports shoes are to be worn in the squash courts, aerobic studio’s or gym.
To comply with Scottish Executive Legislation smoking (including the use of E-cigarettes) is not permitted in any of the Club’s buildings including the Greenhouse. The designated smoking area is located at the entrance to the patio.
All Members, including Junior and Student Members, may personally introduce guests to the Club but must accompany guests introduced by them during the period of their stay at the Club.
Members are responsible for the behaviour of their guests at all times.
A maximum of 2 guests per member per day may use the Sports facilities.
Junior and Student Members may introduce 1 guest a day.
Guests are limited to 2 visits per month with maximum of 12 per annum.
Members must sign in their guests on arrival and ensure that their guests accept the Rules of the Club.
A guest charge will be made for guests using the Sports facilities, which must be paid prior to use of the facilities.
Kippie Sports & Leisure Club is fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of all children in its care. It recognises the responsibility to promote safe practice and to protect children from harm, abuse, and exploitation. Staff, volunteers, and associated personnel will work together to embrace differences and diversity and respect the rights of children. The Clubs Child Safeguarding & Protection Policy is available on request please email This policy provides the framework for Kippie’s staff, volunteers, and associated personnel, individually and collectively, to understand their responsibilities in relation to safeguarding, child protection and promoting the welfare of children.
In the interest of safety and the general amenity of the Club, Members bringing children must ensure that the children are well behaved and properly supervised at all times.
Whilst using the Conservatory children must remain seated at the table at all times or be in the designated play area. Running around poses a risk of accidents involving hot food and drinks.
Children under the age of 14 are not permitted in the Club Bar. Children between the ages of 14 and 18 may use the Club Bar facilities but must be accompanied by an adult member.
Children under the age of 16 are not permitted in the Sports Complex before 9.00am and must be out of the Complex by 8.00pm.
Children under the age of 14 may accompany adult members in the Conservatory after 8pm but must be supervised at all times.
may not pre-book squash or tennis courts or use the driving range unless accompanied by an Adult Member.
are not permitted in the gym, sauna, steam room, Club Bar or Snooker Room.
Children of Members aged 12 and over may apply for Junior Membership.
Junior Membership permits:
the use of the Sports Complex and Conservatory facilities without Member supervision;
the booking of courts in advance for periods from 9.00am to 5.20pm;
the introduction of 1 guest per visit at the nominal charge;
access to the Club’s premises during normal opening hours (9am-8pm)
booking golf tee times on weekdays prior to 5.00 pm.
use the gym, unless attending supervised sessions and one to one with a parent/guardian, (restricted times) saunas or steam room (if under 16).
use the Club Bar unless accompanied by an adult Member. (14-18yrs)
use the Snooker Room without a playing adult Member’s supervision.(14-18yrs)
use the Adult Changing Rooms (if under 16).
Children of Members aged 18 and over may apply for Student Membership. Student Membership permits:
the use of the sports, outdoor and clubhouse facilities during normal opening hours without Member supervision;
the booking of all facilities in advance
the use of the gym, sauna and steam room;
use of the Club Bar;( if 18+)
the introduction of 1 guest for a nominal charge.
Each Member and guest engaging in activities in the Club, or making use of the facilities, is responsible for ensuring that he or she is properly equipped and that his or her state of health and physical condition are such as not to involve any risk to himself or herself nor to any other person making use of the Club. Must complete a PARQ Form. (Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire)
The Club accepts no liability for accident, injury or misadventure to Members or their guests, unless caused by some breach of duty on the part of the Club or its employees. Members and guests are responsible for making their own insurance arrangements in respect of injuries suffered by them, or caused by them to any third party.
The Club accepts no liability for accident or damage to any Member or their guest’s vehicles in the Club’s premises, including but not limited to the car park, roads and grounds.
Lockers are provided in the changing rooms for use by Members and guests. The Club cannot accept responsibility for loss of or damage to property belonging to any Member or guest. The Club, in particular, accepts no responsibility for loss of or damage to any valuables while on the Club’s premises. This includes valuables left in unattended vehicles.
Each Member is responsible for making their guests and dependents aware of the House Rules.
Opening hours may be subject to alteration for reason of repairs or organised special events. The management will endeavour to keep Members notified in advance of any such restriction.
Please note that dogs on a lead are welcome on our top patio area. However, service dogs, which are exempt from this restriction, are welcome to accompany their owners anywhere within our premises
The Club will keep items of lost property for a two-week period. After this time they will be deemed to be abandoned and will be distributed to charitable organisations where appropriate.
No member or guest may bring to the Club any food or drink or refreshments, alcoholic or otherwise, for consumption or disposal within the boundaries of the Club.
The privacy of Members must be respected at all times. No Member shall make any statement or announcement or issue any photograph whatsoever to the Press, Television, or any news media, concerning any aspect of the Club membership or activity nor, support or be party to any guest who may wish to do so. All Members’ details are strictly confidential and will not be given out to anyone, unless they are displayed with the Members consent on Club notice boards.
13.1 When using the Club’s facilities mobile phones must be used with discretion, it is preferred that they be set to ‘silent’ or ‘vibrate’. Should a call be received then the member should leave the Crathes Bar, Hair and Beauty suite and/or gym to take it.
13.2 The unauthorised taking of photographs or video recordings by a member or their guest may result in immediate expulsion from the Club and the termination of membership.
Child Admission Policy – The purpose of this policy is to help safeguard the group of pool users who are potentially at the greatest risk in a swimming pool. It is not intended to stop Kippie Members from enjoying swimming.
A responsible person, aged 16 years or more, should accompany all children under the age of 8 into the water.
Where children can swim and do not require armbands the following applies: One Adult to 3 children aged 4-7 or One Adult to 2 children under 8, where one or both may be under the age of 4.
The responsible person should remain in the water with their charges, maintain a vigilant watch and keep close contact.
Children who cannot swim or stand up in the pool must wear armbands or float-vest to EN BS 13138 standard or have the British Kite Mark and remain in the designated non-swimmer's area.
Children under 16 years of age are not permitted in the pool at the following times: 5.30am to 9.00 am and 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm.
Only one lifeguard is on duty from 5.30 am to 6.15 am. Weekends from 7.00am -8.00am At this time members enter the pool at their own risk.
In the interest of hygiene, it is mandatory that Members and their families and guests shower before and after using the swimming pool, the sauna and steam room.
Non-swimmers should be accompanied in the pool at all times unless under instruction in an organised class. Non-swimmers must remain within their designated area.
Members are requested not to use equipment such as flippers, snorkels, balls and lilos in the pool. No breakable items are allowed in the pool or changing room areas.
For safety reasons the following actions are not allowed in the pool: standing on floats during splash time; forward or back flips; bombing, somersaults or pushing others into the pool; running on poolside; sitting or holding of the lane rope; handstands or acrobatics; the swimming lane is for serious swimmers only.
Lifeguards will use their whistles as follows: 1 short blast – Calls for the attention of a pool user or users
2 short blasts – Calls for the attention of other lifeguards
3 short blasts – Indicates that a lifeguard is taking emergency action
1 long blast – Clear the pool.
It is a Member’s responsibility to ensure that a child or children and/or guests left in the pool unaccompanied are competent swimmers and understand and comply with any directions given by the lifeguard.
It is the responsibility of Members to ensure the correct conduct of their children and guests in the shower and changing rooms.
All members and guests swimming must wear suitable attire, which does not cause embarrassment to other users of the facility.
Members must not walk on poolside without the permission of the lifeguard who will supply shoe covers.
Non-marking footwear and sports attire is to be worn on the squash courts and tennis courts.
Non-marking squash balls are to be used on the squash courts.
When changing over squash courts, Members must knock on the relevant door and not enter until it is safe to do so.
Both Squash Courts may be booked 7 days in advance. Tennis Courts may be booked 7 days in advance. Booking sheets open at 7.15am
Members must cancel courts a minimum of one hour in advance. If a Member is more than 10 minutes late for a court, it may be forfeited.
Members are requested to switch off lights and fans when leaving the squash courts.
Appropriate clothing and indoor footwear must be worn in the Gym.
No person under the age of 16 may enter the Gym unless attending a supervised sessions or one to one with a parent/guardian.
Spectators are not allowed in the Gym.
Members must wipe down equipment after use with the paper towels and cleaning agent provided.
All new gym users must complete an induction and PARQ Form (Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire) to comply with Health and Safety requirements.
Mobile phones should be placed on ‘silent’ or ‘vibrate’ when using the gym. Should a call be received then the member should leave the gym to take it.
All bags must be left in the changing room.
Non-marking footwear must be worn.
In order to preserve the floor and to maintain a hygienic environment no footwear worn outside may be worn in the Studio.
1. Buckets of balls are available from the machine outside the Sports Complex. Reception will provide a Contact less card free of charge.
2. Members are required to hit balls from the tee mats in the covered bays ONLY.
3. No shoes with spikes are permitted when using the tee mats.
4. Drivers may be used in the covered bays.
5. Children under the age of 12 are prohibited from using or being on the driving range unless accompanied by an adult member, or with the consent of the Golf Professional or with a current handicap certificate or competency certificate, which must be shown each time. Junior members may use the range unaccompanied.
6. The tee mats are not to be moved in any way.
7. Members are requested to respect the safety line in each bay.
8. All Members using the driving Range must conduct themselves in a manner that affords full amenity to other golfers. In particular noise levels should be kept to a minimum.
9. No persons may enter the driving range to collect balls.
The KIPPIE LODGE HOUSE RULES shall apply – the following rules, which are subordinate to the House Rules, are specific to the Golf course and Practice Area (consisting of the Driving Range and the Practice Green/Chipping/Bunker area).
1. The Management Committee will appoint a subcommittee to manage the golf course and make recommendations pertaining to the use of the facility.
2. The subcommittee will consist of at least one representative of the Management Committee, at least one ordinary member, the professional and the green keeper. The total number of this subcommittee will not exceed six persons at any one time. The chairperson will be a member of the Management Committee (who may delegate the chair to another subcommittee member in their absence) and will report in writing to the Management Committee on issues pertaining to the Golf Course and Practice Areas.
3. For access to the Course all players must register at reception at the Sports Complex Reception prior to accessing the course. Members and their guests must park in the club car park. No parking on adjoining roads is permitted.
4. Children of Members will be allowed to play only in the company of an adult unless they have a current handicap or competency certificate.
5. Tee reservations can be made by telephone up to 7 days in advance.
6. Players will at all times take into consideration the safety of other players and members of the public on or off the course. Players will be aware of notices on the course pertaining to safe play.
7. Practice on the course is prohibited. Adequate facilities for practice are available on the Driving Range for woods and longer irons and on the Practice Putting Green and Chipping Area for short game practice.
8. Dress on the course shall be smart and appropriate for the game of golf. Golf shoes are considered mandatory for safety reasons – as a dispensation, Children/Juniors will be allowed to wear alternative suitable sports footwear.
9. Guests of Members may play on the course only twice in any calendar month. Members are responsible for their guests during the time spent at the Club.
10. Members must ensure their guests are aware of the Club’s House and Golf Course Rules and etiquette.
11. Non-Members are required to pay guests fees prior to play.
12. Visitors must have their normal place of residence out with a 25-mile radius of the club.
13. The professional will be the judge of competency. In the absence of the professional, a member of management staff will decide. Coaching up to an acceptable level of competency and beyond is available from the Professional and Members are encouraged to utilize this facility. Children below the age of 18 are encouraged to join the junior golf association in order to obtain and maintain a current handicap. This does not incur a charge.
14. Golf footwear is not allowed in the Sports Complex or the Lodge. Golf bags and trolleys are not permitted in the Sports Complex including the changing rooms or the Lodge due to lack of space.
15. Each player must play with an individual set of golf clubs.
16. No more than four persons may play in any one group of players.
17. Slow players MUST allow faster groups to play through.
18. Members failing to register with reception before playing WILL be reported to the Management Committee.
19. Players must replace all divots, repair pitch marks and rake bunkers.
20. Players must take note of Local rules on the back of the score card and as displayed at the 1st tee and abide by them.
1. The snooker table may be booked 7 days in advance.
2. Consecutive bookings are not permitted.
3. Drinking is not permitted on, over or near the table.
4. The consumption of food is not permitted in the snooker room.
5. Coins must not be thrown on the table.
6. Children under the age of 14 may not play snooker. Children over the age of 14 and Junior Members must be accompanied in the Snooker Room by a playing adult Member.
7. Student Members may play snooker.
Kippie Sports & Leisure Club is dedicated to creating an environment that nurtures the enjoyment and enthusiasm of every member within our club. Our Code of Conduct sets standards for clubs, coaches, Juniors and parents involved in Kippie children's activities:
The underlying principle of the code's is to improve standards of good practice and to safeguard the wellbeing of all those involved in the activities, particularly young members.
1. The Club does not extend credit facilities to Members. Failure to promptly settle all liabilities may result in an administration charge being levied.
2. As well as observing the above House Rules, Members and their guests should comply with directions given by the Club management and staff responsible for supervising facilities.
3. Any complaints about service from the Club or the actions of other members or their guests should be made immediately either on the comment sheets provided in the Lodge, Sports Complex and the Crèche or to the Duty Manager, or in writing to the Club Director or Secretary of the Management Committee.
4. No Member shall personally reprimand a Club employee.
5. The Management Committee may at any time amend, suspend or alter the House Rules at its unfettered discretion.
6. Club Members will receive a copy of the House Rules upon admittance to the Club and thereafter shall be deemed to have read and accepted the Rules. The current version of the House Rules is available on the Kippie website. (
7. Hair, Beauty and complementary therapy facilities may be used by non-members of the Club at the discretion of the Club Management.
We take CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) very seriously. We recognise the important contributions made by the wider community (employees, members, suppliers and the local community) play a vital role in the success of the club. In addition to fundraising we are proud of our commitment in supporting local schools from sponsoring events, group involvement and competitions. Since 2010 Kippie has played host to a local cardiac rehabilitation class offering exercise and information following heart surgery. Kippie also has a Waste Management and Recycling policy
The Club shall be called “Aberdeen Petroleum Club” (hereinafter referred to as “the Club”). All references to the male gender shall mean equally to the female gender.
The objects of the Club shall be to actively promote, organise, conduct and provide sporting facilities for the Members together with the supply and promotion of ancillary social and cultural amenities. The Club is not established or conducted for profit and is open to all members of the public.
The Club premises shall be situated at Kippie Lodge, Milltimber, Aberdeen.
4.1 The categories of Members will be as follows:
4.1.1. Ordinary Members
Candidates for Ordinary Membership shall be proposed and seconded by Ordinary or Family Members of the Club who shall sign the printed nomination form approved by the Management Committee. The proposed associate shall also sign the form.
4.1.2. Family Members
Candidates for Family Memberships shall be proposed and seconded by Ordinary or Family Members of the Club who shall sign the printed nomination form approved by the Management Committee. A Family Membership covers an individual, a spouse or partner and children under 18 all resident at the same address. A Family Membership has only one vote at any Meeting with either party eligible to be appointed to the Management Committee and/or sub-committee.
4.1.3. Honorary Members
Honorary Membership may be extended to persons who have rendered distinguished services to the Club. Such Membership shall be granted only on the recommendation of the Management Committee and with the approval of not less than three-fourths of the Ordinary Members present and voting at the General Meeting. Such Honorary Membership shall continue at the discretion of the Management Committee.
4.1.4. Student Members
Children of Family Members in full-time education between the ages of 18 and 22 shall be entitled to Student Membership on payment of a fee and on the production of a valid student card, and in terms determined by the Management Committee from time to time at its sole and unfettered discretion.
4.1.5 Junior Members
Children of Family Members between the ages of 14 and 17 shall be entitled to Junior Membership on payment of a fee and in terms determined by the Management Committee from time to time in their sole and unfettered discretion.
4.1.6 Senior Membership
Family Members where one party is over the age of 60 or Ordinary Members over the age of 60 who have been members of the Club continuously for 5 years shall be entitled to a discount of subscriptions determined by the Management Committee from time to time at its sole and unfettered discretion.
4.1.7 Dining Members
Shall be such proposed and seconded by Ordinary or Family Members of the Club who shall sign the printed nomination for approval by the Management Committee at its sole and unfettered discretion. Dining Membership shall enable that Member to use the dining facilities of the Lodge but not other Club facilities
4.1.8 Temporary Members
Persons not resident in the area may be admitted as Temporary Members provided that their forms of nomination are approved and countersigned by a Member of the Management committee. Temporary Membership shall not be granted to any person for a period of over three months in a twelve-month period. The Ordinary or Family Member proposing the Temporary Member will be wholly responsible for the conduct and account of the Temporary Member. Temporary Membership carries no voting rights. The charge for such Temporary Membership shall be fixed by the Management Committee at its sole and unfettered discretion.
4.2 The Management Committee shall retain the right to introduce new classes of membership to reflect changing circumstances subject to approval of these new classes of membership at an Annual General Meeting.
4.3 The Management Committee at its sole and unfettered discretion shall consider all Candidates for Membership for approval.
4.4 When the Management Committee has approved a nomination of Membership, the Secretary shall notify the nominee in writing that he has been duly elected subject to payment of all Membership and other fees.
4.5 No person under 18 years of age shall be elected as an Ordinary Member of the Club.
4.6 The Secretary shall maintain a Register of Members, which shall be kept on the Club premises.
5.1 A Member shall cease to be a Member of the Club:
5.2 If expelled in accordance with the provision of Rule 6 hereof;
5.3 If the Member should intimate his resignation in writing to the Management Committee and, all outstanding dues having been paid, the Management Committee should accept such resignation.
5.4. The Member should fail to pay his subscription in accordance with Rule 8 hereof.
5.5. In any event no refund of subscription shall be available to a Member upon his ceasing to be a Member for any reason, except with explicit approval of the Management Committee.
6.1. In the event of a breach by any Member of the Constitution or any of the Club Rules or the conduct of any Member within or out with the premises being such that, in the opinion of the Management Committee, it would bring discredit or be detrimental to the best interests of the Club, the Management Committee, at their sole and absolute discretion, shall have the power to suspend or expel such Member from Membership. Any such resolution of the Management Committee shall require a two-thirds majority of those present and entitled to vote.
6.2. On any question of suspension or expulsion the decision of the Management Committee, which will be communicated in writing to the Member in question, shall be final.
7.1. Waiting List and Joining Fees: The fee to be placed on the waiting list and the joining fee payable by Members on admission to the Club shall be such sum as may be determined from time to time by the Management Committee.
7.2. Subscriptions shall be determined annually by the Management Committee and may be increased by up to 5% per year by them. Increases greater than 5% may be determined from time to time by Members in a General Meeting for which not less than 14 days notice of any motion to alter the subscription has been given.
8.1. A subscription shall be due as soon as a Member is accepted by the Management Committee and must be paid before the Member is entitled to any of the privileges of the Club. Annual subscriptions will be payable before the 31st of December in the preceding year. Fees may also be paid by monthly variable direct debit.
8.2. Any Member who does not pay his subscription on or before the last business day of January each year or whose direct debit payments fall into arrears may cease to be a Member of the Club at the sole and unfettered discretion of the Management Committee.
9.1. All meetings, gatherings and entertainment or social activities of whatever kind of nature held or carried on for the benefit of all or any section of the Members within the Club premises shall be conducted in a respectable and orderly manner and no disorderly conduct or practices shall be committed or be allowed to be committed therein and no disturbances shall be created or allowed to be created which are detrimental or tend to bring discredit to the Club or which may be deemed a nuisance, and nothing shall be done or allowed to be done therein contrary to law or good morals.
9.2. No drunkenness, bad language or other misconduct shall be permitted on the premises. Any Member offending under this Rule shall be dealt with by the Management Committee in terms of Rule 6 hereof or otherwise as they in their sole and absolute discretion shall see fit.
9.3. No Member shall use the Club Name for advertising any event or function, which is not sanctioned by the Management Committee.
10.1 The Office Bearers of the Club shall consist of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. The Office Bearers shall be appointed from time to time by the Management Committee from their own number.
10.2 The appropriate Office Bearers from time to time as trustees ex officio shall subscribe all documents executed by or on behalf of the Club.
10.3 Office bearers will serve a minimum of three years and within that period the requirement for re-election under Rule 11 can be waived at the sole and unfettered discretion of the Management Committee.
11.1 The business affairs of the Club shall be under the control and management of the management committee.
11.2 The Management Committee shall consist of nine Ordinary or Family Members who shall include from their midst the Office Bearers.
11.3 At every Annual General Meeting of the Club, one-third of the Members of the Management Committee for the time being or the number nearest to one-third shall retire from office (with the exception of Rule 10.3). The Members of the Management Committee to retire in every year shall be those who have been longest in office, since their last election, but as between persons who became Members of the Management Committee on the same day, those to retire shall, unless they otherwise agree between themselves, be determined by lot. A retiring Member of the Management Committee shall be eligible for re-election and may serve up to a maximum of four consecutive terms.
11.4 All nominations by Members for election to the Management Committee must be submitted to the Secretary in writing, duly proposed and seconded by Ordinary or Family Members of good standing in the Club, not less than seven days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting. Such nomination shall contain written confirmation by the person to be proposed of his willingness to be elected.
11.5 In the event of a vacancy arising in the Management Committee the remaining members of Committee shall have power to co-opt a Member of the Club to act until the next general meeting.
11.6 The Management Committee shall meet at least once a month for general business. The Chairman, or in his absence the Vice-Chairman, or in his absence an elected Chairman shall preside, and in the event of a tie he shall have second or casting vote.
11.7 Four members of the Management Committee shall constitute a quorum.
11.8 A member of the Management Committee shall cease to be a member in any of the following events:
11.8.1 if he shall intimate his resignation in writing to the Management Committee;
11.8.2 if he shall cease to be a Club Member;
11.8.3 if he shall fail to attend three consecutive Management Committee Meetings, unless he sends an explanation in writing which the Management Committee considers satisfactory.
11.9 The Management Committee shall have power to appoint Sub-Committees from their own number, to delegate to such Committees any special responsibilities, and to define their powers and duties and shall have power to co-opt Members of the Club to act in an advisory capacity on any Sub- Committee.
12.1 An Annual General Meeting of Members shall be held not later than the last day of March in each year. Not less than 14 days’ notice in writing shall be sent to all Members individually and intimated in the Club premises. The Notice shall incorporate an Agenda of the business to be transacted at such Meeting, and shall include:12.1.1 to receive a report by the Management Committee on the affairs of Club for the previous financial year;12.1.2 to receive a Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet on the Report of the Independent Accountants for the previous financial year;12.1.3 to elect Members to the Management Committee;12.1.4 to transact such other business as may be proposed by the Management Committee or as shall have been communicated to the Secretary at least seven working days prior to the date of the AGM by any Member.
12.2 At all General Meetings of the Members, the Chairman of the Management Committee whom failing, a member of the Management Committee, whom failing a Chairman to be elected by the Meeting, shall preside. The Chairman and 20 Members shall constitute a quorum
A Special Meeting of the Members may be called at any time by the Management Committee and shall be called if requisitioned by not less than ten Members of the Club for the time being. Not less than 14 days written notice shall be given on any Special Meeting which shall be held, in the case of a requisition.
14.1 Every Ordinary or Family Member present at an Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting and not disqualified for any reason specified in the Constitution shall have the right to one vote. In the case of Management Committee elections, each Member in the categories above has a right to one vote per vacancy on the Management Committee. In the event of a tie, the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.
14.2 At any Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting a Resolution put to the vote of the meeting shall be decided on a show of hands unless a written vote is (before or on the declaration of the result of the show of hands) demanded either by the Chairman or by at least ten Ordinary or Family Members present. Unless a poll be so demanded a declaration by the Chairman that a Resolution has been carried or carried unanimously or by a particular majority or loss and an entry to that effect in the books containing the Minutes of the proceedings of the Club, shall be conclusive evidence of the fact without proof of the number or proportion of the votes recorded in favour or against such Resolution.
14.3 On a poll, votes may be given either personally or by proxy.
14.4 The instrument appointing a proxy shall be in writing and signed by the appointee or his attorney duly authorised in writing. The proxy shall be an Ordinary or Family Member of the Club.
14.5 The instrument appointing a proxy shall be prepared by the Management Committee and shall require to be deposited at the Club’s premises not less than 48 hours before the time for holding the meeting or adjourned meeting as the case may be.
14.6 An instrument appointing a proxy shall be in the following form or a form as near thereto as circumstances admit: THE ABERDEEN PETROLEUM CLUB KIPPIE LODGE, SPORTS & COUNTRY CLUB APPOINTMENT OF PROXYI ………………………………….Membership Number ……………………
of ……………………………………………………………………………………..
hereby appoint: THE CHAIRMAN / …………………………………………
as my proxy to vote for me, on my behalf, at the General Meeting of the Club to held on the …………………………… day of ……………………. and at any adjournment thereof.Signed………………………………. Date…………………………………
14.7 The instrument appointing a proxy shall be deemed to confer authority to demand or join in demanding a poll.
14.8 A vote given in accordance with the terms of an instrument of proxy shall be valid notwithstanding the previous death or insanity of the principal or revocation of the proxy or the Authority under which the proxy was executed provided that no intimation in writing of such death, insanity or revocation as aforesaid shall have been received by the Club at its premises before the commencement of the Meeting at which the proxy is used.
Any General Meeting of Members, duly constituted, may be adjourned to such time or times as the Members present direct. No business shall be transacted at any adjourned Meeting, which could not have been transacted at the original Meeting.
16.1 A copy of the Constitution shall be available for examination within the Club’s premises by any Member or prospective Member and any Member shall be entitled to a copy of the Constitution.
16.2 The Constitution may be amended at a Special Meeting of Members called for that purpose and of which Notice has been given in accordance with the Provisions of Rule 13 hereof.
17.1 The Management Committee may from time to time make such rules and by-laws, the “House Rules”, as they consider necessary or desirable for the proper running and conduct of the Club and may from time to time alter, amend, vary or cancel any House Rules so long as they are consistent with the Constitution.
17.2 A copy of the House Rules in force from time to time, duly signed by the Secretary, shall be displayed in a prominent position in the premises and shall be binding on all Members whose duty it is to acquaint themselves therewith.
17.3 Any Member shall be entitled to a copy of the House Rules.
Proper books and accounts should be kept showing the financial affairs of the Club in a manner approved by a firm of independent accountants. Accounts shall be made up annually to a date to be determined by the Management Committee and shall be reviewed by a firm of independent accountants to be appointed at the Annual General Meeting or, in the case of a casual vacancy, by the Management Committee. The said Accounts shall be submitted to the next following Annual General Meeting.
All monies received on behalf of the Club will be banked in the name of the Club in such Bank, as the Management Committee shall from time to time determine. The Bank Account(s) shall be operated on a Bank mandate as may be determined by the Management Committee from time to time.
The Management Committee may invest funds, not for the time being required for any of the objectives of the Club, in any investments allowed by law for the investment of such funds.
The Management Committee may borrow and raise any sum or sums of money for the purposes of the Club subject to a cap of £500,000 in aggregate at any time and guarantee and/or give security of the payment of money by or the performance of obligations of all kinds of the Club in such manner as the Committee may think it fit and particular, but without prejudice to the foregoing generality, to guarantee and/or give security by way of standard security, mortgage, charge, loan or other security upon the whole or any part of the property or assets of the Club or to issue debentures or debenture stock, perpetual or otherwise.
22.1 A Member may personally introduce guests but may only introduce more than eight guests on anyone day with the approval of the operational management. The Member introducing a guest will immediately upon the admission of such guests to the Club premises enter his name and the name and address of the guest in a book which shall be kept for the purpose and which shall show the date of each visit.
22.2 The following shall not be admitted as guests:
Former Members who have been expelled; or
Persons who, having been nominated, have been refused Membership.
22.3 Members must accompany guests introduced by them during the period of their stay in the premises.
22.4 No guest shall be supplied with excisable liquor in the Club premises unless on the invitation or in the company of a Member.
22.5 The Management Committee may at any time suspend or amend the rule authorising the introduction of guests.
The privacy of Members must be respected at all times. No Member shall make any statement/announcement or issue any photograph whatsoever to the press, television or any other news media concerning any aspect of the Club Membership or activity.
Alcoholic liquor shall not be sold or supplied within the premises of the Club, except as shall be permitted in terms of the Licensing (Scotland) Act 1976 or any subsequent statute or legislation. No excisable liquor shall be sold or supplied in the Club premises for consumption off the premises, except to a Member of the Club in person for consumption by him or to a person holding a licence or a wholesaler’s excise licence for the sale of such liquor. No alcoholic liquor shall be brought into the premises by either Members or their guests. No alcoholic liquor shall be sold or supplied in the Club to any person less than 18 years of age.
25.1 No Member of the Management Committee and no Manager or employee of the Club shall have any personal interest in the sale of assets or property of the Club or in the profits arising from such sales.
25.2 Only the Chairman will give all orders and instructions to the Club Manager and other full-time employees of the Club.
25.3 No Member of the Club shall have power to incur any debt or other liability on behalf of the Club without prior written authority of the Management Committee.
25.4 No notice shall be posted or exhibited in any part of the premises except by authority or with the written approval of the Management Committee.
26.1 All questions as to the interpretation or application of this Constitution shall be referred to the management Committee whose decision shall be final.
26.2 The Management Committee shall have the power to determine any matters relating to the Club not specifically provided for in this Constitution and their decision shall be final.
1.1. The Club shall be called "Aberdeen Petroleum Club", trading as “Kippie Sports & Leisure Club” (hereinafter referred to as "the Club'')
2.1. The objects of the Club shall be to actively provide, promote, organise and conduct sporting facilities for the Members, together with the supply and promotion of ancillary social and cultural amenities.
2.2. The Club is established and conducted on a not-for-profit basis.
2.3. Applications for Membership of the Club is open to the general public.
3.1. The Club premises shall be situated at Kippie Lodge, Milltimber, Aberdeen, AB13 0AB.
4.1. Completed applications for membership will reviewed and approved or declined by the Club Management. Approvals will be subject to ratification by the Management Committee at their next regular meeting.
4.2. The current categories of Memberships offered will be as follows:
4.2.1. Single
Applications for a Single Membership are open to individuals aged 30 years and over.
A Single Member has one vote at any meeting and is eligible to be appointed to the Management Committee or sub-committee.
4.2.2. Couple
Applications for a Couples Membership are open to any two adults residing at the same address.
A Couples Membership has only one vote at any meeting and only one of the couple is eligible to be appointed to the Management Committee or sub-committee
Applications for a Family Membership are open to any two adults and all dependent children, under the age of 18 years, residing at the same address.
A Family Membership has only one vote at any meeting and only one of the adult Family Members is eligible to be appointed to the Management Committee or sub-committee
Applications for a Student Membership are open to the children of Family Members, who are between the ages of 18 and 22 years whilst they remain in full time education.
A Student Membership has no vote at any meeting and is not eligible to be appointed to the Management Committee or sub-committee.
4.2.5.Young Person (18)
Applications for a Young Person (18) Membership are open to individuals between the ages of 18 and 25 years of age.
A Young Person (18) Membership has no vote at any meeting and is not eligible to be appointed to the Management Committee or sub-committee.
4.2.6.Young Person (26)
Applications for a Young Person (26) Membership are open to individuals between the ages of 26 and 29 years of age.
A Young Person (26) Membership has no vote at any meeting and is not eligible to be appointed to the Management Committee or sub-committee.
Applications for a Dining Membership are open to individuals over the age of 29 years of age, that only wish to use the Club’s dining facilities. No access to other Club facilities or privileges is permitted.
A Dining Membership has no vote at any meeting and is not eligible to be appointed to the Management Committee or sub-committee.
The Management Committee retain the right to limit the number of Dining Memberships available at any time.
Members aged 60 years and over, who have been Single, Couple or Family Members for at least the preceding five continuous years, may be entitled a discount in their Membership subscription.
This discount would apply to Couple and Family Memberships where at least one Member has reached the age of 60 years. The discount would apply from the payment period following the qualifying birthday.
Senior Membership has voting and committee Membership rights as appropriate to Single, Couple or Family, whichever is appropriate
At the sole discretion of the Management Committee, Honorary Membership, may be proposed to any Member who, in the Committee’s opinion, has rendered distinguished service or provided extraordinary value to the Club.
The grant of Honorary Membership shall require the approval of three quarters of the number of Members entitled to vote and who are present at a formal General Meeting of the Club properly called.
The duration of the Honorary Membership shall be set when offered and shall only be altered by the Management Committee under exceptional circumstances.
An Honorary Membership has no vote at any meeting and is not eligible to be appointed to the Management Committee or sub-committee.
4.2.10. Temporary
Persons not resident in the local area may be admitted as Temporary Members provided that their applications forms approved and countersigned by a Member of the Management Committee.
Temporary Membership shall not be granted to any person for a period of over three months in any twelve month period.
The Couple or Family Member proposing the Temporary Member will be wholly responsible for the conduct and account of the Temporary Member.
A Temporary Membership has no vote at any meeting and is not eligible to be appointed to the Management Committee or sub-committee.
4.2.11. Associate
Associate Members are the non-voting / non committee eligible partner in a Couple or Family Membership.
4.2.12. Single Parent
Single parents who wish to add dependent children to their Single Membership, may do so, on approval of the Club Director and payment of the relevant supplement.
Children up to 4 years of age will be included free of charge.
4.3. The Management Committee shall retain the right to introduce new categories of Membership to reflect changing circumstances by notification to the Members.
4.4. The Club Management shall maintain a Register of Members
4.5. All Members, regardless of which category, must adhere to the club’s code of conduct (Rules
6 & 9), breaches of such may result in their suspension or termination as a Member.
Appeals to any alleged conduct breach will be to the Management Committee who have the final and absolute decision.
A Member shall cease to be a Member of the Club:
5.1. If expelled in accordance with the provision of Rule 6 hereof.
5.2. If the Member should intimate their resignation in writing to the Management Committee. On payment of all outstanding subscriptions and bills, the Management Committee should accept such resignation.
5.3. The Member should fail to pay their subscription in accordance with Rule 8 hereof.
5.4. In any event no refund of subscription shall be available to a Member upon their ceasing to be a Member for any reason, except with explicit approval of the Management Committee.
6.1. In the event of a breach by any Member of the Constitution or any of the Club Rules or the conduct of any Member, within or out with the premises, being such that, in the opinion of the Management Committee, it would bring discredit or be detrimental to the best interests of the Club, the Management Committee, at their sole and absolute discretion, shall have the power to suspend or expel such Member from Membership. Any such resolution of the Management Committee shall require a two-thirds or majority of those present and entitled to vote.
6.1.1.Any Member convicted of a criminal act or found to be guilty in a civil court of acts of Fraud or matters deemed inappropriate by the Management Committee may be suspended or expelled under rule 6.1.
6.2. On any question of suspension or expulsion the decision of the Management Committee shall be final. Such decision will be communicated in writing to the Member in question
7.1. Waiting List and Joining Fees:
7.1.1.The fee to be placed on a Membership waiting list and/or the joining fee payable by Members on admission to the Club shall be such sum as may be determined from time to time by the Management Committee.
7.1.2.Waiting lists and joining fees shall, for certain periods of time, be waived at the sole discretion of the Management Committee.
7.2. Subscriptions shall be determined annually by the Management Committee.
7.2.1.Subscriptions may be increased by up to 5% per year by the Management Committee.
7.2.2.Increases greater than 5% may be determined from time to time by Members in a General Meeting for which not less than 14 days’ notice of any motion to alter the subscription has been given.
7.3. The Management Committee may from time to time offer subscription fee terms of longer duration as a means of raising funds for particular projects or causes.
8.1. A subscription shall be due as soon as a proposed Member is accepted by the Club Management.
8.1.1. The subscription must be paid before the Member is entitled to any of the privileges of the Club.
8.1.2. Annual subscriptions will be payable before the end of the current membership year.
8.1.3. Fees may also be paid by monthly variable direct debit.
8.2. Any Member who does not pay their subscription on or before the last business day of the relevant month, may cease to be a Member of the Club at the sole and unfettered discretion of the Management Committee.
9.1. All meetings, gatherings and entertainment or social activities of whatever kind of nature held or carried on for the benefit of all or any section of the Members within the Club premises shall be conducted in a respectable and orderly manner.
9.2. No disorderly conduct or practices shall be committed or be allowed to be committed therein and no disturbances shall be created or allowed to be created which are detrimental or tend to bring discredit to the Club or which may be deemed a nuisance, whether to club Members or Members of staff
9.3. Nothing shall be done or allowed to be done therein contrary to law or good morals.
9.4. Any breaches to acceptable conduct may result in a warning and if repeated may be subject to rule 6.
9.5. No drunkenness, bad language or other misconduct shall be permitted on the premises.
9.6. Any Member offending under this Rule shall be dealt with, as seen fit, by the Management Committee in terms of Rule 6 hereof or otherwise
9.7. No Member shall use the Club name for advertising any event or function in any form or media, which has not been pre-sanctioned by the Management Committee.
10.1. The Office Bearers of the Club shall consist of a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.
The Office Bearers shall be appointed from time to time by the Management Committee from
their own number.
10.2. The appropriate Office Bearers from time to time as trustees ex officio shall subscribe all documents executed by or on behalf of the Club.
10.3. Office Bearers will serve a minimum of three years and within that period the requirement for re-election under Rule 11 can be waived at the discretion of the Management Committee.
10.4. Office Bearers shall not serve for more than two consecutive terms in a particular Office.
11.1.The business affairs of the Club shall be under the control and oversight of the Management Committee.
11.2. The Management Committee shall consist of up to nine Single, Couple or Family Members who shall include from their midst the Office Bearers. The number of committee Members shall increase or decrease as seen appropriate by the Management Committee but will always be an odd number to facilitate a majority vote.
11.3. At every Annual General Meeting of the Club, one third of the members of the Management Committee for the time being or the number nearest to one third shall retire from office (with the exception of Rule 10.3).
11.4. The Members of the Management Committee to retire in every year shall be those who have been longest in office, since their last election, but as between persons who became Members of the Management Committee on the same day, those to retire shall, unless they otherwise agree between themselves, be determined by lot.
11.5.A retiring Member of the Management Committee shall be eligible for re-election and may serve up to a maximum of four consecutive terms.
11.6.All nominations by Members for election to the Management Committee must be submitted to the Secretary in writing, duly proposed and seconded by Single, Couple or Family Members of good standing in the Club, not less than seven days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting. Such nomination shall contain written confirmation by the person to be proposed of their willingness to be elected.
11.7. In the event of a vacancy arising in the Management Committee the remaining members of committee shall have power to co-opt a Member of the Club to act until the next general meeting.
11.8.The Management Committee shall meet at least once a month for general business.
11.9.The Chair, or in their absence the Vice-Chair, or in their absence an elected Chair shall preside. In the event of a tied vote the Chair shall have second or casting vote.
11.10.Four Members of the Management Committee shall constitute a quorum.
11.11.A Member of the Management Committee shall cease to be a Member of the committee in any of the following events:
11.11.1. if they shall intimate their resignation in writing to the Management Committee
11.11.2. if they shall cease to be a Member of the Club
11.11.3. if they shall fail to attend three consecutive Management Committee meetings, unless they send an explanation in writing, which the Management Committee considers satisfactory.
11.11.4. if they are found to be in breach of rule 6 and or 9.
11.12. The Management Committee shall have power to appoint sub-committees from their own number, to delegate to such sub-committees any special responsibilities, and to define their powers and duties and shall have power to co-opt Members of the Club to act in an advisory capacity on any sub-committee.
12.1. An Annual General Meeting of Members only, shall be held not later than the last day of March in each year, notwithstanding any unexpected delay or delays out with the control of the committee.
12.2. Not less than 14 days’ notice in writing shall be sent to all Members individually and intimated in the Club premises. The Notice shall incorporate an Agenda of the business to be transacted at such Meeting, and shall include:
12.2.1. to receive a report by the Management Committee on the affairs of Club for the previous financial year
12.2.2. to receive a Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet on the Report of the Independent Accountants for the previous financial year
12.2.3. to elect Members to the Management Committee
12.2.4. to transact such other business as may be proposed by the Management Committee o
12.2.5. to transact such business as may have been communicated to the Secretary no later than the last working day of February prior to the date of the AGM by any Member and included in the Notice of Meeting.
12.3. At all General Meetings of the Members, the Chair of the Management Committee whom failing, a Member of the Management Committee, whom failing a Chair to be elected by the Meeting, shall preside. The Chair and 20 Members shall constitute a quorum.
13.1. A Special Meeting of the Members may be called at any time by the Management Committee and shall be called if requisitioned by not less than 10 Members of the Club.
13.2. Not less than 14 days written notice shall be given on any Special Meeting which shall be held, in the case of a requisition.
13.3. Any Member attending such a meeting may relay comments from Members of staff, if relevant, who are not permitted to attend.
13.4. VOTING
13.4.1. Every Single, Couple or Family Membership represented at an Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting and not disqualified for any reason specified in the Constitution, shall have the right to one vote.
13.4.2. In the case of Management Committee elections each Member in the categories above has a right to one vote per vacancy on the Management Committee. In the event of a tied vote, the Chair shall have a second or casting vote.
13.4.3. At any Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting, a Resolution put to the vote of the meeting shall be decided on a show of hands unless a written vote is (before or on the declaration of the result of the show of hands) demanded either by the Chair or by at least ten voting Members present.
13.4.4. Unless a poll be so demanded a declaration by the Chair that a Resolution has been carried or carried unanimously or by a particular majority or loss and an entry to that effect in the books containing the Minutes of the proceedings of the Club, shall be conclusive evidence of the fact without proof of the number or proportion of the votes recorded in favour or against such Resolution.
13.4.5. On a poll, votes may be given either personally or by duly authorised proxy.
13.4.6. The instrument appointing a proxy shall be in writing and signed by the appointee or his attorney duly authorised in writing. The proxy shall be an voting Member of the Club.
13.5. The instrument appointing a proxy shall be prepared by the Management Committee and shall require to be deposited at the Club's premises not less than 48 hours before the time for holding the meeting or adjourned meeting as the case may be.
13.6. An instrument appointing a proxy shall be in the following form or a form as near thereto as circumstances admit:
Kippie Sports & Leisure Club
Appointment of Proxy
I ......................................................................... Membership Number ……………….……
of .............................................................................................................................................
hereby appoint: The Chair or …….........................................................................................
as my proxy to vote for me, on my behalf, at the General Meeting of the Club, to be held on
the ..................... day of………… ......................... and at any adjournment thereof.
13.8. The instrument appointing a proxy shall be deemed to confer authority to demand or join in demanding a poll.
13.9. A vote given in accordance with the terms of an instrument of proxy shall be valid notwithstanding the previous death or insanity of the principal or revocation of the proxy or the authority under which the proxy was executed provided that no intimation in writing of such death, insanity or revocation as aforesaid shall have been received by the Club at its
premises before the commencement of the meeting at which the proxy is used.
14.1. Any General Meeting of Members, duly constituted, may be adjourned to such time or times as the Members present direct. No business shall be transacted at any adjourned Meeting, which could not have been transacted at the original Meeting.
15.1.A copy of the Constitution shall be available for examination within the Club's premises by any Member or prospective Member
15.2.The Constitution may be amended at a Special Meeting of Members called for that purpose and of which Notice has been given in accordance with the Provisions of Rule 13 hereof.
15.3.Any Member shall be entitled to a copy of the Constitution.
16.1. The Management Committee may from time to time make such rules and by-laws, the "House Rules", as they consider necessary or desirable for the proper running and conduct of the Club and may from time to time alter, amend, vary or cancel any House Rules so long as they are consistent with the Constitution.
16.2. A copy of the House Rules in force, shall be available via the website and shall be binding on all Members whose duty it is to acquaint themselves therewith.
16.3. Any Member shall be entitled to a copy of the House Rules.
17.1. Proper books and accounts shall be kept showing the financial affairs of the Club in a manner approved by a firm of independent accountants.
17.2. Accounts shall be made up annually to a date to be determined by the Management Committee and shall be reviewed by a firm of independent accountants to be appointed at the Annual General Meeting
18.1. All monies received on behalf of the Club will be banked in the name of the Club in such Bank, as the Management Committee shall from time to time determine.
18.2. The Bank Account(s) shall be operated on a Bank mandate as may be determined by the Management Committee from time to time.
19.1. The Management Committee may invest funds, not for the time being required for any of the objectives of the Club, in any investments allowed by law for the investment of such funds.
20.1. The Management Committee may borrow and raise any sum or sums of money for the purposes of the Club subject to a cap of £1,500,000 in aggregate at any time and guarantee and/or give security of the payment of money by or the performance of obligations of all kinds of the Club in such manner as the Management Committee may think it fit and particular, but without prejudice to the foregoing generality, to guarantee and/or give security by way of standard security, mortgage, charge, loan or other security upon the whole or any part of the property or assets of the Club or to issue debentures or debenture stock, perpetual or otherwise.
21.1. A Member may personally introduce guests. Members may only introduce more than eight guests on any one day, with the approval of the Club Director.
21.2. The Member introducing a guest will immediately upon the admission of such guests to the Club premises ensure that the guest’s details, including date of visit, are entered in the Club’s register.
21.3. Members of staff reserve the right to confirm any visitor is a valid guest of a Member.
21.4. The following shall not be admitted as guests:
21.4.1. Former Members who have been expelled; or
21.4.2. Persons who, having applied, have been refused Membership.
21.5. Members must accompany guests introduced by them during the period of their stay in the premises.
21.6. No guest shall be supplied with excisable liquor in the Club premises unless on the invitation of or in the company of a Member.
21.7. The Management Committee may at any time suspend or amend the rule authorising the introduction of guests.
22.1. The privacy of Members must be respected at all times.
22.2. No Member shall make any statement/announcement or issue any photograph whatsoever to the press, television, social media or any other news media concerning any aspect of the club Membership or activity.
23.1. Alcoholic liquor shall not be sold or supplied within the premises of the Club, except as shall be permitted in terms of the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 or any subsequent statute or legislation.
23.2. No excisable liquor shall be sold or supplied in the Club premises for consumption off the premises, except to a Member of the Club in person for consumption by them or to a person holding a licence or a wholesaler's excise licence for the sale of such liquor.
23.3. No alcoholic liquor shall be brought into the premises by either Members or their guests, unless pre-approved by the Club Director.
23.4. No alcoholic liquor shall be sold or supplied to any person less than 18 years of age.
24.1. No Member of the Management Committee and no Manager or employee of the Club shall have any personal interest in the sale of assets or property of the Club or in the profits arising from such sales.
24.2. Only the Chair will give all orders and instructions to the Club Director and other employees of the Club unless, on occasion, the Chair duly authorised and deputises another Committee Member to do so.
24.3. No Member of the Club shall have power to incur any debt or other liability on behalf of the Club without prior written authority of the Management Committee.
24.4. No notice shall be posted or exhibited in any part of the premises except by authority or with the written approval of the Club Director.
24.5. No Member shall use their Membership as collateral or guarantee.
24.6. No Member shall sell or transfer their Membership.
25.1. All questions as to the interpretation or application of this Constitution shall be referred to the Management Committee whose decision shall be final.
25.2. The Management Committee shall have the power to determine any matters relating to the Club not specifically provided for in this Constitution and their decision shall be final.